Yarden Seaside Apartments

Yarden Seaside Apartments

Tel Aviv, Israel
Near Beach view on map
Tripadvisor Score: 3.0
Set in the centre of Tel Aviv, just five minutes' walk from the Tel Aviv Marina and Gordon Beach, this attractive, modern apartment hotel boasts a range of spacious apartments in a central city setting. The shops, cafés, restaurants, and public transport links of Ben Yehuda Street are just outside the building, and the fabulous nightclubs and bars of the Tel Aviv Port area are within easy walking distance. The air-conditioned studio and one-bedroom apartments all come with an LCD television, furnished balcony, and fully-equipped kitchen where guests might prepare and enjoy home-cooked meals. Guests can make use of the free wireless internet access provided throughout the property and enjoy breakfast in-room or venture out to one of the local cafés. The hotel offers 24-hour reception for added convenience, and there is also a handy supermarket located at the ground floor. Dear Agent, - for a night check in (For key collection between the hours 23:00 - 8:00) please contact the Hotel after making a reservation. Support@yardenhotels.com +972774566038 +97254414449

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