Hotel Adonis Plaza

Tenerife, Spain
Plaza de la Candelaria,10, 38002, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, SPAIN
Santa Cruz de Tenerife view on map
This charming hotel is located just metres away from the bustling tourist area of Santa Cruz. Guests will find themselves within easy access of a selection of bars, shops and restaurants, just 200 metres away from the pristine beach. The hotel features a charming architectural style, welcoming guests into relaxing, tranquil surroundings where they will experience warm hospitality and wonderful service. The guest rooms are beautifully decorated, offering a quiescent ambience in which to relax, unwind and enjoy restful slumber. Guests are invited to enjoy a delightful a la carte breakfast in the morning, which is sure to set them up for the day's activities.

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Hotel facilities

Car park(Extra charge)
24-hour reception
Check-in hour
Check-out hour
Mobile phone coverage
Laundry service
Multilingual staff
Hotel safe
Lift access
Sun terrace
Luggage room
Breakfast room
Conference room
Meeting room
Audio-visual equipment rental(Extra charge)
Sun loungers
Breakfast a la carte

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