Rf Bambi - Adults Only

Tenerife, Spain
HOTEL: This hotel offers 47 apartments and 5 floors. It has a hall with a reception, a safety deposit box service (for a fee), a lift, a restaurant and a TV (for a fee) (on request). SITUATION: This complex is 300 metres away from the beach. The establishment is 25 kilometres away from the airport. Opposite the establishment, guests have shops, restaurants, bars and a public transport stop. ROOM: Guests are offered apartments, fully-equipped, a bathroom, a shower, a direct line telephone, a kitchen a fridge, a safe (available for a fee) and a balcony or terrace. FACILITIES: Outdoors, guests have access to the swimming pool, a sunbathing terrace and deck chairs. Clients can enjoy activities such as playing billiards. OTHERS: The establishment serves a buffet breakfast and a set-menu dinner.

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