Club Ambassador Apartamentos

Club Ambassador Apartamentos

Tenerife, Spain
Puerto de la Cruz view on map
The hotel is situated in the quiet neighbourhood of El Peach in the resort town of Puerto de la Cruz. The botanical gardens can be found only 300 m away. The centre of Puerto de la Cruz and the famous beach at Martianez Lake are just 1.5 km away. There are also links to the public transport network nearby. Parque Nacional del Teide is some 42 km away. The hotel offers 44 apartments spread over 2 floors. It is surrounded by 2000 sqm of landscaped gardens, making it an ideal place for rest and relaxation. Guests can recline on the loungers beside the freshwater swimming pool or unwind in the hot tub and sauna. A tennis club located in the vicinity offers a more active pastime option.

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