San Antonio Appartements

San Antonio Appartements

Tenerife, Spain
Icod de los vinos view on map
The apartment house "Apartamentos Monasterio de San Antonio" is a very beautiful, over 200 years old former monastery building with a typical inner courtyard, winding stairs and a large communal sun terrace with a wonderful view of the Atlantic and the mountains. It is a good example of Canarian architecture. During the complete restoration in 1996, the originality and charm of the house were completely preserved. In this year the tourist rental of the first holiday apartments began. The mostly young international guests like to use the Apartamentos Monasterio de San Antonio as an ideal starting point for mountain bike or hiking tours as well as for excursions to the diverse regions of the island. The house is located on the green outskirts of Icod de los Vinos at about 325 meters above sea level. The famous dragon tree and the historic city center are only around 800 meters away. It is a quiet location with beautiful mountain and Atlantic views. There are also restaurants, shops and supermarkets nearby. One of the largest volcanic caves (La Cueva del Viento) is also very close and the nearest beach (Playa de San Marcos) with bars and restaurants is just 3.5 km away.
From 10/04/2024 to10/04/2050 Clients should notify their arrival time to the hotel.

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