Tenerife, Spain
Enrique Talg,15
Puerto de la Cruz view on map
The complex lies just 300 m from the nearest beautiful beach. Variety of shops, boutiques and public transport network can be found in the hotel's vicinity. Just a short walk away are restaurants, bars and cafés. The hotel is about 25 km from the airport. The complex consists of a 4-storey building with a total of 44 apartments. Amongst the hotel's facilities are a lobby with 24-hour reception, a hire safe, a TV room and a lift. The functional apartments come with a bathroom with a shower, a kitchenette with a fridge and a balcony or terrace. Further amenities include a telephone and a hire safe. Guests may make use of the hotel's swimming pool and sun terrace with sun loungers. Pool/snooker facilities are also available.

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