Apartamentos Chinyero

Tenerife, Spain
Carretera general del Botánico, 35
Puerto de la Cruz view on map


This apartment complex is located about 800 m from the centre and the beautiful beach lies 1 km away. Links to the transport network can easily be reached on foot lying about 15 minutes from the hotel.


The apartment complex has 29 studios. The reception desk in the lobby is staffed round the clock. Services and facilities include a cloakroom and a currency exchange service. Internet access (for a fee) is available to guests in public areas. Bicycles can be kept in the bicycle storage area (for a fee).


Some rooms have a balcony, which gives guests additional space for rest and relaxation. Guests may securely store their valuables in a safe. The kitchenette comes with a refrigerator. Internet access and a direct dial telephone ensure optimal comfort. The bathrooms have a shower and a bathtub. The complex has 29 non-smoking rooms. Copyright GIATA 2004 - 2021. Multilingual, powered by www.giata.com for client no. 124971


The dining area includes a non-smoking restaurant and a café. A variety of catering options can be booked. Guests can choose between bed and breakfast, half board and full board. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, guests serve themseves at the buffet or choose their preferred fare from the menu (for lunch).


The complex accepts the following credit cards: VISA and MasterCard.

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