
Tenerife, Spain
Avenida V Centenario, 3, Adeje, ES
Playa De Las Americas - Tenerife view on map
HOTEL: This renovated complex in 2002, has 7 floors and 130 apartments. In the entrance, you can find a reception, a bar, a café and a TV room. The establishment offers a laundry service (for a fee) and a car park. SITUATION: It is nearPlaya de las Américas the leisure area of It is 400 metres away from the beach, 100 metres away, guests have the bus station, 18 kilometres away, you can find Tenerife Sur Airport. ROOM: Guests are offered cosy one bedroom apartments, a sitting room with a sofa-bed, a bathroom, a fully-equipped kitchen and a balcony. By paying an extra charge, clients can find a safe and a satellite television. FACILITIES: Outdoors, clients have access to a heated pool (seasonal), Clients can enjoy activities such as enjoy tennis and mini-golf. PAYMENT METHODS: The establishment accepts Visa. OBSERVATIONS: A deposit may be required upon arrival.

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