Lagos De Cesar

Tenerife, Spain
Jose Gonzalez Gonzalez, S/n view on map
The 4-star Blue Sea Lagos de César Hotel is located in Puerto de Santiago, Tenerife, and has 116 rooms. It has a full gym, a large outdoor pool with its own bar and a children's pool. In addition, it offers a lounge with television, a petanque court and a pool table (for a fee) and table tennis. For the little ones, the hotel puts at your disposal a magnificent entertainment team so they can play and have fun. It presents a wide program of activities, shows and night shows for the whole family. The complex has a free Wi-Fi connection enabled so you can be connected at all times. The rooms include sofa-bed, air conditioning, free wifi, television, living room, private bathroom with hairdryer and terrace or balcony with outdoor furniture. With the option of the all-inclusive, you can enjoy varied breakfast, lunch and dinner buffet style. Also, among the buffet services, you can taste a wide selection of snacks.

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