Checkin Bungalows Atlantida

Checkin Bungalows Atlantida

Tenerife, Spain
Los Cristianos-tenerife view on map
About 950 m from a beach and approximately 500 m from the sea lies the hotel Checkin Bungalows Atlantida. The nearest restaurants and bars can be found within 200 m. The city centre is just a few steps away. A supermarket is around 200 m away. For veAbout 950 m from a beach and approximately 500 m from the sea lies the hotel Checkin Bungalows Atlantida. The nearest restaurants and bars can be found within 200 m. The city centre is just a few steps away. A supermarket is around 200 m away. For very young guests, kid`s chairs can be provided). Pets like cats and dogs are allowed in the hotel (on request) . Catering As catering services the hotel offers self-catering. Breakfast is offered continental or from the buffet. Lunch and dinner are also served from the buffet. Distances Fun park: approx. 4,7 km Bus stop: approx. 700 m Taxi rank: approx. 500 m Port: approx. 1,7 km Nearest doctor: approx. 1,2 km Pharmacy: approx. 500 m Hospital: approx. 3 km Check In: 14:00 Check Out: 12:00

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Hotel facilities

Animation Program
Center (distance)
Beach (distance)
Port (distance)
Medical center (distance)
Pets Allowed
Hospital (distance)
Pharmacy (distance)
Supermarket (distance)
Bus stop (distance)
Taxi Stop (distance)
Restaurant (distance)
Sea (distance)
Children Highchair
Theme Park (distance)
Cribs (on request)

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