This hotel, which boasts an excellent location in Puerto de la Cruz, is just 10 minutes away from Martiánez Lake.
Guests have a choice of 236 rooms, including 20 single rooms, located in a 10-storey main building and 9 auxiliary buildings. This hotel has a lift and a reception desk. To ensure guests a comfortable and relaxing stay, the hotel provides various services and facilities, including a baggage storage service, a TV room, a childcare service, a car hire service and an alarm call service. Wireless internet access (for a fee) allows guests to stay connected while on holiday.
Air conditioning ensures that rooms maintain just the right temperature. Guests can enjoy the sea view from a balcony or terrace. Children's beds can be requested for younger guests. Valuables can be securely stored in a safe for an additional charge. Guests will also find a refrigerator included among the standard features. Other features include a direct dial telephone and WiFi (for a fee).
The sports and entertainment facilities at the hotel ensure that guests have plenty of activities to choose from during their stay. Guests can take a refreshing dip at the pool complex, which includes a children's swimming area. Leisure activities available for a fee at the hotel include billiards and darts. Additional leisure activities include a kids' club, a dance club and a nightclub. Copyright GIATA 2004 - 2021. Multilingual, powered by for client no. 124971
The hotel includes a restaurant and a bar. Catering options include bed and breakfast, half board, full board and all-inclusive. A delicious and varied buffet awaits guests at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
All major credit cards, including American Express, VISA, Diners Club and MasterCard, are accepted for payment.
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Hotel facilities
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