
Tenerife, Spain
Carretera Botanico, 25
These studios are 900 m from the Lago Martiánez Pools in Puerto de la Cruz. Guests have access to the swimming pool in Pez Azul complex. All of the studios at the Apartamentos Chinyero come with a kitchenette with a fridge, and a full bathroom with bathtub. The Chinyero has a restaurant and a large sun terrace. Free Wi-Fi is available at the reception and at the Pez Azul's public areas. Guests can rent cars or bikes at the 24-hour front desk. The Chineryo Apartments complex is only 21 km from Tenerife Norte Airport. The Loro Parque Zoo/Theme Park is just over 2 km away.

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Hotel facilities

  • Wi-Fi
  • Safe Box
  • Restaurant
  • Laundry Service

Room facilities

  • Dogs Allowed
  • TV
  • Telephone
  • Kitchenette
  • Desk
  • Wi-Fi

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