Royal Tenerife Country Club

Royal Tenerife Country Club

Tenerife, Spain
San Andres, S/n - Urbanización Golf Del Sur


The hotel is situated in San Miguel de Abona.


Guests have a choice of 77 rooms. Friendly staff are available at the reception desk. Wireless internet access (for a fee) allows guests to stay connected while on holiday. Wheelchair-accessible facilities are available. Children can enjoy the playground. Parking spaces are available to guests travelling by car.


Air conditioning ensures that rooms maintain just the right temperature. A balcony is included as standard in some rooms. Children's beds can be requested for younger guests. Valuables can be securely stored in a safe for an additional charge. For guests' convenience, units include a refrigerator, a microwave and a tea/coffee station. Other features include a telephone, a TV, a DVD player and WiFi (for a fee). A hairdryer is provided in the bathrooms.


Guests can take a refreshing dip at the pool complex, which includes a children's swimming area. Refreshing drinks at the pool bar and a relaxing soak in the hot tub offer the perfect way to unwind. Sun loungers and parasols on the terrace invite guests to relax and unwind. There are many ways to relax or stay active at the hotel, including tennis, a gym, table tennis, a spa and massage treatments. Copyright GIATA 2004 - 2021. Multilingual, powered by for client no. 124971


Various dining options are available, including a restaurant, a café and a bar.

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