Hd Parque Cristobal Tenerife

Hd Parque Cristobal Tenerife

Tenerife, Spain
Near Beach view on map
This holiday-complex which is located in the entertainment district, welcomes its guests at just 100m from the tourist centre of Playa de Las Americas and a mere 50m from the sea. The famous beaches of southern Tenerife start just 200 metres away, but the tranquil surrounding of the venue make it seem as if one is on an uninhabited island. This feeling is enhanced by the atmosphere in the spacious bungalows, all of which come with fully-equipped kitchens and living rooms, perfect for enjoy a good night sleep after a day of basking in the sun. Speaking of the latter there are plenty of options - from the four outdoor pools all heated in the winter, the multifunctional sports facilities and the bicycle rental services, one can spend each waking moment outdoors. There are also quite a few choices for relaxing - a soak in the Jacuzzi, massage or a good book in the quiet garden. It is the perfect choice for any vacation; the hotel boasts spectacular beaches, outstanding service, and thrilling activities.

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