Melia Jardines del Teide

Melia Jardines del Teide

Tenerife, Spain
Urbanización Mirador del Duque, Calle Agando, S/N
Costa Adeje view on map
Surrounded by 12,000 m2 of beautifully landscaped gardens with large sun terraces and a wonderful pool landscape with a large lagoon-style pool, a heated outdoor pool and a children's pool, this family-friendly hotel boasts breathtaking views over the Atlantic Ocean and the exclusive holiday resort of Costa Adeje. The luxurious nearby shopping centre is just 200 m away, while the exclusive Playa del Duque beach is at 1 km. The establishment features a mini-club, a playground and many activities for children, while the parents can work-out in the 24-hour gym or relax in the wellness area. The buffet restaurant serves international and Mediterranean food; there is a snack bar with views over the pool and the sea, while the lobby bar enjoys stunning, panoramic views. For added convenience, there is a shuttle service to Playa del Duque beach.

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