Dreams Jardin Tropical

Tenerife, Spain
The Jardin Tropical Costa Adeje is a resort with stunning arabian-style architecture on different levels with a maximum height of 5 floors. Built with natural materials, mainly canary islands pine, stone and quicklime, it is perfectly integrated with its 12,000m2 of subtropical gardens and the local environment. Welcome to a very exclusive experience. Welcome to a luxurious sanctuary designed to transport you to the most exquisite accommodation experience. We present you a boutique hotel, designed to satify our most demanding customer's needs. Bathed in nature, Atlantic, The Club by Jardín Tropical, is your lifestyle experience. Enjoy unique services as Private reception, The Club Lounge, selection of rooms and exclusive areas as the Sunset with its balinese beds, that will guarantee a luxurious stay with the best personalized attention.

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