El Duque

Tenerife, Spain
Tenerife - Costa Adeje view on map
This attractive apartment complex is located in the tourist centre of Playa del Duque, about 600 m from beautiful sandy beaches. Numerous shops and entertainment venues are located in the immediate vicinity, and the nearest public transport stop is just in front of the building. The hotel comprises three-storeys with a total of 210 accommodation units. It offers a conference room and a public Internet terminal for business guests, while younger visitors can participate in the kids' club activities or let off steam in the play area. The grounds feature a water complex with two swimming pools, which is perfect for sunbathers. Guests can also make use of the sauna and sports enthusiasts can play squash, billiards/snooker, table tennis or try out diving. The hotel also offers a varied entertainment programme for adults and children.

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