Hotel Rural Finca Salamanca

Hotel Rural Finca Salamanca

Tenerife, Spain
Crta El Puertito N 2, 38500, Guimar, ES
Zona Centro view on map
This charming rural hotel lies amidst an expansive 50,000 metres squared of beautiful grounds, a mere 50 metres away from links to the public transport system. A stunning sandy beach lies a mere 5 kms away from the hotel. This former manor house boasts a beautiful architectural style, embracing the rustic charm of a bygone era. The hotel features traditional stone walls, wooden furniture and ceramic tiles for an unassumingly elegant style The guest rooms are beautifully designed, enjoying a blend of rustic, old-world charm and contemporary amenities. The hotel provides a selection of high-quality recreational and leisure facilities which are sure to enhance the enjoyment of any stay. Guests can hire a bicycle and explore the intrinsically-beautifully surroundings in a relaxing style. The restaurant serves sumptuous delights for guests dining pleasure.

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