Flamingo Suites

Tenerife, Spain
Costa Adeje view on map
2 adults
“Flamingo Suites” is set in the popular area of Torviscas Bajo, just in front of the beach La Pinta and the marina Puerto Colon. You can enjoy walking down the embankment with its bars, restaurants and Water Park for children. It is close to the centers of entertainment, supermarkets. Nearby facilities include Golf Courses, yacht chattering, sea fishing, scuba diving and much more.This complex of apartments has an excellent arrangement in the center of the tourist zone Costa Adeje near of Puerto Colon on the southern coast of Tenerife which allows our guests to enjoy sea walks within walking distance. The complex is in 100 meters from the beach (on the elevator) and it is located absolutely near a set of shops, bars, restaurants and night entertainments. Besides there are places of tourist interest and a stop of public transport in 3 minutes of walking, the aqua park is in 400 m from a complex. The Los Cristianos center is in 2,5 km, the Southern airport Tenerife is in 18 km or 15 minutes by car.The excellent Complex with Suits and apartments has been reformed in 2018 in all Suites. It possesses only 18 spacious apartments with a private entrance located on 2 floors. The external pool is warming during all the year. Terraces with private gardens and balconies with sunbeds and umbrellas. The complex has security service 24 hours. Besides, it possesses the elevator, free Wi-Fi in all complex. Guests who will come with car will be able to leave the vehicle on the parking which is nearby or in a garage. Guests who want to explore vicinities can rent the bicycle or a car on a reception. The complex consists of 12 Suits and 6 Luxury Suites (some with private pools, and others with a jacuzzi). All rooms in bed tones with kitchen, the refrigerator, the dishwasher, a plate, the microwave oven, the juice extractor, the coffee maker and a teapot. A bathroom with a shower or a bathroom (depending of the room), the hair dryer and vanity products.

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