Florida Park Club

Tenerife, Spain
Playa De Las Americas view on map
The establishment is located in the south of Tenerife in the residential area of San Eugenio Alto, near the stations of Los Cristianos and Playa de Las Americas. This aparthotel with 41 units is exclusively appointed with luxurious furniture and offers wonderful views. Facilities available to guests at this air-conditioned establishment include a bar, TV lounge and a restaurant, all with wireless Internet access. The interiors of the apartments are furnished to a very high level, most with polished marble floors for a fresh and relaxed atmosphere while adding a luxury element to the interiors. All accommodation units come with private bathroom with bath and shower and fully equipped as standard. A safety deposit box and a balcony/terrace also feature. Guests may enjoy bowling, fishing, playing golf or just relaxing by the outdoor heated swimming pool.

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