Guayarmina Princess

Tenerife, Spain
Tenerife - Costa Adeje view on map
Live the Princess-experience in a completely renovated hotel and enjoy wonderful sea views and amazing sunsets. The 4-star plus hotel is located in Costa Adeje, one of Spain's most attractive and prestigious tourist destinations due to its diversity, quality, climate and stunning beaches. Enjoy its modern design and relaxed atmosphere. Treat yourself to a cocktail in one of the 5 bars or wine and dine in one of the 3 restaurants. Find pure relaxation at the Guayarmina Princess with its 3 pools on different levels and extensive gardens. Unwind in the water circuit of the new wellness area or get a manicure and pedicure at the hotel's own hairdresser. Reward yourself with a soothing massage after a strenuous workout in the modern fitness studio. Book the Platinum service, which offers you personalized customer service, spacious rooms and bathrooms as well as access to all the amenities included in this upgrade: private restaurant, exclusive bar, infinity pool with private bar and amazing views of Playa Fañabe, the harbour and the neighbouring island of La Gomera. Built in Greek-Roman style, the Guayarmina Princess Hotel has a total of 506 rooms and is situated in a prime location on Fañabé Beach, with direct access to the beach promenade. The two most prestigious golf courses of Tenerife, Costa Adeje Golf and Golf Las Américas, are located about 3 km away. The international airport , Reina Sofía, is conveniently located just 17 kilometres from the hotel.

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