H10 Gran Tinerfe

Tenerife, Spain
Tenerife-playa De Las Americas view on map
This popular beach hotel affords guests a seafront setting on the idyllic island of Tenerife. The hotel is situated directly in front of Bobo beach and enjoys direct access to the pristine sands. Guests will find a wide selection of shops and entertainment in close proximity to the hotel, while convenient public transport links are situated just 400 metres away. The hotel enjoys a sleek, contemporary architectural design, alluring guests with the promise of luxurious interiors and opulent style. The guest rooms are stunningly-appointed, featuring elegant neutral tones and luxurious furnishings. The hotel provides first-class leisure and recreational facilities, catering to guests' needs to the highest degree of excellence. Guests can indulge in massages and beauty treatments for the ultimate in pampering and preening.

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