Hotel Udalla Park

Tenerife, Spain
Tenerife-playa De Las Americas view on map
Aparthotel Udalla Park is a 5-minute walk from Las Vistas Beach, in the Tenerife area of Playa de las Américas, and features an outdoor pool with sun loungers. Is there Wi-Fi. The 2-level studios are modern and have a living room with a sofa bed and a private furnished balcony. The property offers a flat-screen TV rental service and safes. The studios also have a private bathroom and a kitchenette with a fridge and washing machine. The Udalla has a buffet restaurant. Guests can enjoy a drink in the lobby bar or on the terrace of the bar, next to the pool. There are many shops and restaurants within a 5-minute walk. The hotel is a 5-minute walk from the bus station, where buses stop for Teide, Playa del Medano and other areas of the island. If you prefer, you can rent a car from the property's tourist information service.

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