Iberostar Selection Sabila

Iberostar Selection Sabila

Tenerife, Spain
Ernesto Sarti, 5 view on map
The Iberostar Selection Sabila hotel, for adults only, is a 5-star luxury space located 5 km from Adeje, Tenerife, prepared for relaxation and renewal of body and mind. Its spacious rooms designed to cover all the needs of the guests, together with a wide program of entertainment and leisure activities, a center with treatments and beauty care, sports very varied, that will liven up the days. The construction and design of the rooms has been made based on the different needs of the customers. 111 double rooms, 8 junior suites, 9 Star Prestige suites and 13 rooms adapted for people with some type of disability. All rooms are perfectly equipped with safe ($), minibar ($), satellite TV, telephone, fully equipped bathroom and have views of the sea or the pool among other amenities. The Wellness area offers massages and treatments at the hotel, gym and hairdresser. A total of 4 bars: Teide Bar / Hall, Star Café Bar, Snack Bar, Gas Market Bar.

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