Paradero 2

Tenerife, Spain
Avenida Arquitecto Gomez Cuesta,7
Playa de las Americas view on map
This superb resort is located about 400 metres from the beach and 500 metres from the bus stop. In the surroundings there are bars, restaurants and shops. It is ideally situated close to the centre of Playa de las Americas and various nightspots are to be found some 10 minutes away. The Magma Convention Centre and Siam Park are some 600 metres away and Sur Reina Sofia Airport is approximately 18 km from the establishment. Guests will find en suite rooms that are fully equipped with a television and a kitchenette, ideal for those who enjoy cooking their own meals. To start their day off right, guests can enjoy the mouth-watering buffet breakfast that is served up every morning at the on-site restaurant. Paradero II has no reception or pool. The check will be held at Caribe apartments and guests can use all the facilities of apartments Caribbean.

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