Lagos de Fañabé Beach Resort

Lagos de Fañabé Beach Resort

Tenerife, Spain
Tenerife - Costa Adeje view on map
2 adults
This stunning apartment complex is located in the district of Playa de Fañabe, on the lively area of Costa Adeje. Situated just 20 kilometres from Reina Sofia Airport, the hotel is separated from the sandy beach by just a promenade. Guests will find a choice of pubs, restaurants and nightlife entertainment options in the surrounding area. The complex features a colonial-inspired design that will delight even the most discerning visitors, including a choice of apartments ranging from standard to luxurious ‘Gold' units situated on the top floors and featuring magnificent views. The onsite restaurant can accommodate up to 200 hundred diners and offers a delicious buffet service as well as themed menus, while the outdoor area includes an outdoor swimming pool with separate children's pool, ideal for warmer summer days. #This stunning apartment complex is located in the district of Playa de Fañabe, on the lively area of Costa Adeje. Situated just 20 kilometres from Reina Sofia Airport, the hotel is separated from the sandy beach by just a promenade. Guests will find a choice of pubs, restaurants and nightlife entertainment options in the surrounding area. The complex features a colonial-inspired design that will delight even the most discerning visitors, including a choice of apartments ranging from standard to luxurious ‘Gold' units situated on the top floors and featuring magnificent views. The onsite restaurant can accommodate up to 200 hundred diners and offers a delicious buffet service as well as themed menus, while the outdoor area includes an outdoor swimming pool with separate children's pool, ideal for warmer summer days. Company Name: TFS - MTS Globe Spain -Tenerife

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Hotel facilities

  • Pool
  • Restaurant
  • Bar
  • Health and Spa

Room facilities

May include:,

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