Malibu Park

Tenerife, Spain
Calle Italia, 4, Adeje, ES
Costa Adeje - Tenerife view on map
Take in the beauty of sunny Tenerife at this quaint property. Experience the lovely, Spanish styled apartment villas with scenic views of Costa Adeje. The hotel is located 15.6 km from the Sur Reina Sofia Airport. There is a handful of activities to discover Tenerife in and around the hotel, from horseback riding to bar hopping. Take a whale-watching voyage on the Shogun Boat Trip departing just 800 meters from the hotel. Water Sports Tenerife is just 950 meters away with a multitude of activities to indulge in. For those who love water park attractions, Aqualand is just 300 meters north of the hotel and just a 7.7 km drive north; guests can find Barranco del Infierno for beautiful hiking trails and views. Take care of your shopping needs at Centro Commercial & Ocio Gran Sur, 1.3 km from the property. There is an on-site tennis court, solarium, luxurious pool, spa, and child friendly areas such as the children's pool and playground. The hotel offers 24-hour reception, as well as free Wi-Fi and terraces in all rooms.

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