Hotel Suite Villa María

Hotel Suite Villa María

Tenerife, Spain
Av. De los Acantilados,S/N
Costa Adeje view on map
This attractive establishment enjoys a great setting in Costa Adeje, Tenerife, just a short distance away from La Caleta de Adeje Beach. The establishment is just a short distance away from a host of retail, dining and entertainment venues. The complex comprises enchanting villas, which enjoy panoramic views of the island of La Gomera and the Atlantic Ocean. This hotel enjoys a charming tropical architectural style, greeting guests with warm hospitality and a homely environment. The guest rooms are superbly appointed, featuring soothing tones of cream and browns, evoking a sense of serenity and peace. The rooms come complete with modern amenities for added comfort and convenience. This establishment offers a wide range of facilities such as a swimming pool, bar, and an on-site gym. This hotel caters to the needs of discerning business and leisure travellers alike.

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