Marylanza Suites & Spa

Tenerife, Spain
C/ Los Arenales, 20. Golf de Playa de Las Américas, Los Cristianos, Tenerife, España 38650
Playa De Las Americas view on map
Our modern hotel with original architecture offers everything you need for a perfect holiday. Our ample and comfortable rooms have an independent bedroom, lounge, kitchen, full bathroom and balcony/terrace. The gastronomical choice includes our Buffet Tagoror, a snack at La Palapa or an exquisite sampling menu at Kentia. You will also find a wide selection of drinks at any of our bars by the Pool or in the Lobby, as well as our Belingo Disco featuring shows and musical performances. Marylanza offers three pools and varied entertainment with a playground, table tennis, billiard and squash among other activities. The combination of these magnificent facilities with our exclusive Spacio10 (spa, wellness, fitness and pilates) results in a unique holiday experience.

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