
Tenerife, Spain
Puerto de la Cruz view on map
This apartment complex enjoys a central setting in Puerto de la Cruz on the inviting island of Tenerife. The complex is situated close to the Botanical Garden and is within easy access of the beach and the city centre, both of which lie less than 1 km away. Guests will find themselves surrounded by delightful restaurants, lively bars, colourful boutiques and shops and a bus stop lies just 100 metres from the complex. The studios are tastefully decorated and offer comfortable, tranquil surroundings in which to relax and unwind at the end of the day. The apartments come complete with modern amenities for guests' convenience. Guests will appreciate the complex's leisure and recreational facilities which include a pool with children's area and 2 tennis courts, providing fun for all the family. Gentlemen are kindly requested to wear long trousers to dinner.

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