Occidental Santa Cruz Contemporáneo

Occidental Santa Cruz Contemporáneo

Tenerife, Spain
Rambla de Santa Cruz 116,SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE, SPAIN
Santa Cruz De Tenerife City Centre view on map
Located in the most exclusive area of 'Rambla de Santa Cruz', close to Garcia Sanabria Park, where you will find a variety of shops,leisure and entertainment facilities. Just 7 km.from the Beach Teresitas and 12 km from Los Rodeos airport. The hotel has rooms equipped with the best services for comfort in your stay: Wi-Fi, air conditioning, hardwood floors, safe (pay), minibar with charge, satellite TV with flat screen and superior rooms with balcony or terrace. It has an à la carte restaurant Alfredo that fuses Mediterranean and Canarian cuisine in an elegant, modern and friendly environment. Enjoy our Café-Bar Lounge Macusamba where you can also host events as well as in the four rooms of the hotel which has a capacity ranging between 120 and 130 people. Free parking under availaibility ** The hotel will have the pool closed from October 13th for winter *

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