Sercotel Principe Paz Hotel

Sercotel Principe Paz Hotel

Tenerife, Spain
Valentin Sanz, 33, 38002, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, SPAIN
Santa Cruz De Tenerife view on map
The hotel Principe Paz is located in the historical , financial and commercial center of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Its great location makes of this hotel the perfect choice to any kind of guest and stay, the business traveler, cultural trips, shopping’s get away or just some relaxation after a beach day. The hotel is very closed to the Tenerife auditorium, the congress center, the sea park designed by Cesar Manrique, the pier, the TEA, the Cabildo, the city hall , Chamber of Commerce, the Rodriguez López Stadium and the Teresitas Beach. Moreover this hotel is right in the city commercial center. Enjoy your breakfast at the hotel restaurant while over viewing the Plaza del Principe square. If you fancy a little snack , come any time of the day to our coffee shop : there you will be offered a wide selection of tapas, salads, snacks, sandwiches… hard to resist.

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