Puerto Azul

Tenerife, Spain
Puerto De La Cruz view on map
2 adults
This lovely hotel is located in the old city and in a quiet area. It is a mere 3 minute walk to the Plaza del Charco, 10 minutes to the Beach Garden and the famous Martiánez pools and only 5 minute walk to the bus station with excellent transport connections. The city hotel is small, comfortable and family-friendly. Its reception is open 24 hours with multilingual receptionists. There is a computer with Internet access available for guests who want to stay connected to use in the reception area. Guests can also take advantage of the newspaper stand, TV lounge, children's playground and the breakfast room. From the hotel's beautiful roof terrace, guests can enjoy a wonderful view of Teide. Guests will find rooms which are furnished with double beds and a hairdryer, amongst other amenities that are included.

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