Residenz Playa de los Roques

Residenz Playa de los Roques

Tenerife, Spain
Los Realejos-tenerife view on map
2 adults
Around 500 m from a beach lies the apart hotel Apartamentos Playa de Los Roques. The city centre is around 4 km away. A supermarket is around 500 m away. The hotel is equipped with a 24h reception, a lounge, a lift as well as parking spaces. In the oAround 500 m from a beach lies the apart hotel Apartamentos Playa de Los Roques. The city centre is around 4 km away. A supermarket is around 500 m away. The hotel is equipped with a 24h reception, a lounge, a lift as well as parking spaces. In the outdoor area of the property you will find a garden as well as a heated pool (open all year). For children there is also a children's pool. Furthermore, you can relax outdoors on the sun terrace. If necessary, you can contact the medical centre. Catering Lunch and dinner are served à la carte. Your physical well-being is catered for by the cafeteria. Distances Airport: approx. 25 km Taxi rank: approx. 500 m Nearest doctor: approx. 1 km Pharmacy: approx. 500 m Sports & Leisure Due to their scenic beauty the surroundings of your hotel are also suitable for extensive hikes. The wellness area offers massages. The hotel also offers a games room for adults. Check In: 14:00 Check Out: 12:00

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