Spring Hotel Vulcano

Tenerife, Spain
Avenida Antonio Dominguez Alfonso, 8
Playa de las Americas view on map
This marvellous hotel is strategically located in Playa de las Américas, just a stone's throw from beautiful and stunning beaches where guests can truly relax under the sun. In the surrounding area, visitors will find several golf courses for their enjoyment and plenty of shopping and entertainment options, so that everyone can find what they really like. Surrounded by an extraordinary botanical garden and with excellent facilities, this establishment is the best accommodation option when travelling for business or leisure. All guest rooms are very comfortable and roomy, offering the perfect space for rest and relaxation. Standard ones include a flat-screen satellite TV and a balcony or terrace and there are accessible rooms available with a pool view. The hotel includes two fantastic outdoor pools, one of them heated in winter, apart from other services like evening shows.

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