Hotel Troya Tenerife

Tenerife, Spain
Avenida Rafael Puig Lluvina, 2
Playa de las Americas view on map
This sublime beach hotel enjoys a stunning location on the vibrant island of Tenerife. The hotel is situated just across the promenade from a pristine sandy beach. Guests will find a selection of shops, bars and restaurants nearby, while the Magma Convention Centre is located just 600 metres away. Nestled amidst swaying palm trees and tropical gardens, this wonderful hotel tempts guests with first-class facilities and luxurious surroundings. The hotel lobby features a sleek, contemporary style with embellishment of vibrant pieces of art adorning the walls. The guest rooms are cheerfully decorated in a light-hearted style, creating a calming ambience in which to relax and unwind in comfort at the end of the day. The hotel is the ideal choice for thrill and pleasure seekers alike, with an abundance of leisure and recreational facilities for guests to enjoy.

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