Vip Executive Baobab

Tete, Mozambique
Near Center view on map
In Tete's province, Mozambique, this modern hotel is set very near the commercial hub of its capital, Tete. The city is perched along the Zambezi River, so visitors will be astonished by the on-kilometre-long Samora Machel suspension bridge, only 4 kilometres from the premises. This modern establishment boasts a wonderful central location and at the same time it is just a few minutes from the airport. Guestrooms are fashionable and equipped with all that one can desire for a pleasant stay, such as air-conditioning, free Wireless High-speed Internet, in-room refrigerators and coffee provisions. There is an array of accessible rooms to give a complete service to all guests. Those travelling on business might appreciate the 190 sqm conference room and the on-site restaurant with a menu of gourmet salads and hamburgers, apart from other mouth-watering local specialities.

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