La Flora Khao Lak

Thai Mueang, Thailand
59/1 Moo 5, Khuk Khak, Khao Lak, 59/1
Khao Lak view on map
La Flora Resort & Spa is nestled on a white sandy beach in a tropical wilderness of unspoilt nature all around it. Overlooking the 30 km long bay fringed by the spectacular Andaman Sea the resort enjoys an idyllic setting just a few kilometres from Khao Lak National Park. Activities in the vicinity include the Pakarang Reef which is just waiting to be explored.This stunning boutique resort features superb guest rooms and villas amidst tropical surroundings. The resort has been carefully designed to enhance the beauty of the nature around it. Guests can indulge in an array of leisure and recreational activities to suit all the family. For professionals, the resort also provides excellent conference facilities to ensure smooth running of conferences and functions. The resort restaurant offers the perfect relaxing surroundings where guests can enjoy delights from a choice of cuisines.

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