Khaolak Laguna Resort

Thai Mueang, Thailand
Moo 7, Khuk-Khak, Takuapa, 26/8
Khao Lak view on map
"This resort is located on the beachfront of Khaolak Beach overlooking the magnificent Andaman Sea. The resort boasts a setting on a 2 kms stretch of pristine beach just a 5 minutes' walk from Khaolak Centre. It offers the ideal setting for travelers who are seeking a haven amidst serene surroundings, where they can relax and unwind away from the stresses of daily life. The resort has been constructed in a classical Oriental style and sits in perfect harmony with the flawless, natural beauty that surrounds it. The resort comprises chalet rooms and Thai-style bungalows giving guests and insight into tropical living with added luxury and comfort. The resort provides a host of leisure and recreational facilities for its guests' enjoyment and the restaurant serves delightful dishes for their dining pleasure."

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