Moracea by Khao Lak Resort

Thai Mueang, Thailand
Near Khuk Khak Beach view on map
Welcome to Moracea by Khao Lak Resort, carefully designed so that our guests will experience a new dimension in comfort and luxury while maintaining the original concept of a private holiday within a natural and peaceful environment. The Resort itself spawns from an elevated position on the lower part of Khaolak hill and gently slope onto the 400 meters long beachfront. You can take an evening stroll along the golden beach, with the occasional boulder rising from the fine sandy surface, and enjoy the peaceful view of the sunset, accompanied by the gentle background sound of the lapping waves. All our restaurants are also ideally situated for you to enjoy a splendid view of the sea. At Moracea by Khao Lak Resort we try to bring you into a world that is closest to "Paradise on Earth".

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