Maikhao Palm Beach Resort

Maikhao Palm Beach Resort

Thalang, Thailand
126/5 Maikhao Soi 8, Moo.4, Tambon Maikhao, Thalang, Phuket
Mai Khao / Nai Yang / North view on map
Maikhao Palm Beach Resort: A stunning Thai-Lanna Style Resort ideally, located just a 2 minute walk to the beach, resort is uniquely designed in traditional Thai Style, boasts fully furnished and spacious rooms and an extensive swimming pool enclosing the building. 10 minutes from Phuket International Airport and 30 minutes from Phuket Old Town and 45 minutes from Patong Beach.
225 guest rooms are spacious and have private balconies with great view of mangrove view/seaview and pool view. Ground floor rooms with private terrace & pool and have direct access to the main pool. Guests can enjoy 3 restaurants, Fitness center, FREE WI-FI etc.,.

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