Melia Phuket Mai Khao

Thalang, Thailand
233 Moo 3, Tambon Mai Khao, Amphur Thalang Phuket 83110
Mai Khao / Nai Yang / North view on map
International five-star hotel on the unspoiled 11km-long Mai Khao Beach that draws you into a world of luxury and pure indulgence
Just a pleasant 15-minute drive from Phuket Airport, the resort faces the west coast of the Andaman Sea in close proximity to all the island’s attractions
Retreat into a tranquil getaway resort solely comprised of Private Pool Villas, Wellness Pool Villas, and Suites
Take your taste buds on a culinary voyage from fresh Mediterranean cuisine at GAIA to Southeast Asian delights blended with Mediterranean flair at SASA
Invigorate all your five senses in the embrace of nature at YHI Spa, a wellness haven offering a rich array of soothing treatments
An excellent venue for hosting meetings and weddings in various styles. Our state-of-the-art facilities will wow your attendees and turn your event into a success

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