Sala Phuket Resort And Spa Hotel

Sala Phuket Resort And Spa Hotel

Thalang, Thailand
333 Moo 3, Thalang District, Mai Khao
Mai Khao / Nai Yang / North view on map
It's a beach hotel and located on Mai Khao beach on Phuket's northwest coast. Sala Phuket hotel is just 10 minutes away from Phuket International Airport and the Blue Canyon Golf Course. The hotel facilities include reception, lobby, beachfront restaurant, beachfront bar, lobby bar, library, internet access Wi-Fi throughout resort, beachfront swimming pools, children pool, spa, gym, sauna and steam bath. All rooms are equipped with air conditioning, ceiling fans, open air bathroom, TV, telephone, fridge, mini bar, safe deposit box, coffee/tea maker, hairdryer and balcony/terrace. Double room can be used by 2 adults and 1 child, all guests sharing the existing bedding (no extra bed provided).

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