A for Art Design Hotel

A for Art Design Hotel

Thasos, Greece
Limenas/near Hercules Sanctuary Thassos view on map
2 adults
A for Art is a non-conformist original style art & design hotel which was created i n cooperation with the famous European company KARE Design. The hotel is located in the center of downtown Limenas in front of the old port and it consists of 33 rooms and 6 Suites.  Hotel Information “Cozy Duo” is a  double room ideally designed for rest and coziness. It is   18 sq meters and it can accommodate two persons in an antique Vintage Queen size double bed surrounded by rare handcrafted furnishing and artifacts. “Just…” is a  double room with a sofa bed. It is   21 sq meters room and it can accommodate two adults in a Queen size double bed and a child in a sofa bed, designed especially for small families. “Just…” is more than an ordinary room. It is a combo of a bedroom and a living space. “A-Suite” is the ultimate solution to a relaxed and luxurious stay. Α 28 sq meters combo room that occupies two adults in a Queen size double bed and a double sofa bed in a separate living space. Enjoy your breakfast daily in a different chair in a colorful atmosphere at the Maypole Restaurant, visit the Lost Sheep a la carte Restaurant and visualize art in your plate and enjoy drinks either indoors at the Red Dino Bar, or outdoors at the Old Chair Bar. In the back garden of the hotel, in a more quiet and inviting corner, a swimming pool can be found, for fun and relaxation with sunbeds under the cool shadow of trees.  

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Hotel facilities

  • Reception
  • WI-FI
  • Luggage Room
  • Car parking
  • Ironing service
  • Laundry services
  • Outdoor Pool
  • Snack bar
  • Main bar
  • Main Restaurant

Room facilities

May include:,

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