Inspira Boutique Hotel

Thasos Island, Greece
Skala Prinos 64002 Thassos Island Greece
Located on the most picturesque spot at Skala Prinos, Thassos Island, Inspira Boutique Hotel, is just 20 meters away from the beach, 5 minutes walking distance from the centre of Skala Prinos & 15 km away from Thassos town. It is an adults only hotel. Inspira Boutique Hotel is the ideal venue to combine a romantic getaway with a relaxing day on the beach, to spend your honeymoon, anniversary or birthday. Hotel’s proximity to the beach, along with the fact that it is surrounded by pine trees disposing at the same time amazing views at the mountains behind, makes it an oasis designed for couples only. Inspira Boutique Hotel consists of 20 - newly renovated and refurbished in 2016 - double. The elegant, modern furniture with clean lines along with the minimalistic decoration of the rooms, are some of the elements which make the hotel unique. The spacious double rooms are equipped with king size beds, flat screen TV, individual A/C, hairdryer, minibar, Safety Box, bathroom with Shower & WC.

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