Inspira Boutique Thassos

Thasos Island, Greece
Ormos Prinou view on map
Inspira Boutique Hotel is an intimate hidaway situated only 20m from the crystal clear waters of a sandy beach, on the most idyllic spot of Thassos, Skala Prinos. Surrounded by pine trees and a background of the majestic mountains, invites you to enjoy a luxury accommodation combined with personalized services in a serene environment. Inspira Boutique Hotel is an oasis fully renovated in 2016 and designed to cater exclusively for couples. With emphasis given to tranquility and privacy, you can choose between our Comfort and Deluxe Double Rooms and enjoy quality time together, rekindle romance and ignite feelings. A perfect getaway to spend your honeymoon, anniversary or birthday. Memories are timeless treasures of the heart, we invite you to make new ones this summer with us!

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Hotel facilities

Room service, Beach Bar

Room facilities

May include:, Air Conditioning

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