Sole E Mare

Thasos Island, Greece
Skala Potamias view on map
This newly built Villa, constructed at 2013, is situated just 50 meters from the famous Golden Beach on Thassos Island. With such an advantageous position, your vacations on the island couldn’t be something less than magnificent. Luxury with taste, create the perfect scenery for your dream vacation Enjoy the magnificent view over the beach and mountain from your room and let your senses take in the afternoon breeze over a drink or a dinner. Visit Sole Mare and live an incredible experience this summer!

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Hotel facilities

  • Airport / Port Transfer Service
  • Concierge
  • Daily Maid Service
  • Doctor (upon request)
  • Fax & Photocopy Service
  • Pool Sunbeds & Umbrellas
  • Safe Deposit Box
  • Swimming pool
  • Swimming Pool for children
  • Swimming Pool with Children's Area
  • Wi-Fi Internet Access

Room facilities

May include:,

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The information and photos on the page describing the hotel / villa are strictly informative and are taken from our partners or from their presentation sites. The pictures on the site are generic and cannot be considered contractual, they represent our permanent effort to provide information about the accommodation units. We try daily to update this information, but we do not guarantee that they are complete, updated or contain no errors. We recommend that you consult the official websites of the hotels or request updated information to our agency.

Rates and availabilites of offers are valid at this time!