
Thasos Island, Greece
Hotel 'Elvetia' offers for very cheap holidays, located in the village of Panagia Thassos only 5 'drive from Golden Beach. It offers rooms and studios at the lowest prices you will find on Thassos. It has 4 rooms and 2 studios that can accommodate up to 3 people. The two rooms share a common kitchen and bathroom of these located in the hallway. All studios have their own kitchen. All rooms and studios have air conditioning, TV, refrigerator and balcony. We are in the center of Our Lady, a beautiful and traditional village of Thassos has much to offer its visitors. Here you can enjoy local goat and lamb on the spit, lovely walks in mountain paths, gurgling waters of the springs of the village and a cool breeze the warmer summer months.


Address: PANAGIA, , 64004, not specified, GR

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