Princess Golden Beach Hotel

Princess Golden Beach Hotel

Thasos Island, Greece
Golden Beach view on map
Princess Golden Beach Hotel is l ocated 80m from the Golden Beach of Thassos. The hotel was renovated and refurbished in 2015  and it comes with modern interiors . Princess Golden Beach Hotel combines minimal interiors with modern architecture and highlights the hotel’s unique character.  Hotel Information This 4 star hotel   offers a total of 71 guest rooms, newly renovated and refurbished  consisting of standard rooms with double or twin beds for up to 3 people, family rooms for up to 2 adults and 2 children, and suites with separating sliding door suitable for up to 4 adults. The elegant, modern furniture with the clean lines along with the minimalistic decoration of the rooms, are some of the elements which make this hotel unique.   All accommodation is equipped with air-conditioning, hairdryer, TV, free WiFi access, fridge, safe deposit box and an ensuite bathroom with shower. The bedrooms are done out in a simple, yet contemporary style.

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Hotel facilities

  • Car parking
  • WI-FI
  • Outdoor Pool
  • A la Carte restaurant
  • Main Restaurant
  • Beach bar
  • Pool bar

Room facilities

May include:,

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