Vila Roula

Thasos Island, Greece
Evangelistrias 2, Thasos Island, 64002
Limenaria view on map

Located approximately 90m from Limenaria Beach on Thasos Island, Vila Roula offers a garden, a terrace and accommodation with balcony, air conditioning and Wi-Fi.

Distance from the Beach: ca 90m

Distance from the Port: ca 20km Prinos, ca 50km Limenas

Distance from the nearest village/town: ca 350m

Additional information:
Cleaning: every 3 days
Linen Change: every 3 days
Towel Change: every 3 days

Beach description:
Bus stop:
ATM: ca 200m


The images shown here serve to give a general impression of the hotel. The facilities may be slightly different from these examples as well as the names of the room types.

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